New website coming soon! In the mean time check out our range of dust monitoring equipment

About DustScanAQ

The firm was established in 2004 as a spin-off company from Leeds University. Since then the business has grown steadily and now employs 11 staff and 2 external consultants. Technical staff are graduates with appropriate professional qualifications in science and engineering including memberships of:-

  • Institute of Air Quality Management
  • Institution of Environmental Sciences
  • British Occupational Hygiene Society
  • Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
  • Institute of Quarrying

Brief profiles of some of the staff can be found via the Personnel tab.

DustScanAQ is Constructionline and Avetta registered, a corporate member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), a member of Environmental Protection UK (EPUK) and an associate member of the Mineral Products Association. We are also members of Employee Ownership Association (EOA). Individual members of the firm serve or have served on advisory panels of the Institute of Air Quality Management and the Mineral Products Association.

We have many clients in Britain and Ireland with a wide range of industrial and commercial interests as well as clients in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Some of these are noted on our Clients tab. From the outset we have committed time to research and development undertaking projects for clients and with the following:-

  • The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
  • The Technology Strategy Board through the Knowledge Partnership Network
  • DEFRA through the Mineral Industry Research Organisation
  • Finance South East in association with the University of Portsmouth (UoP)
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership with UoP supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council
  • Leeds University School of Process Environmental and Materials Engineering
  • Portsmouth University School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Newcastle upon Tyne University School of Engineering and Geosciences.

Current and future research includes work on dust monitoring, dust modelling, on the impact of air pollution on public health and the development of software for dust quantification.


Please click on the links below to find out more about the DustScan Personnel. CVs of our senior, professional staff are available by request.

DustScanAQ would be pleased to hear from you if you would like to discuss your requirements and how we can help you with your project, please contact us on 01608 810110 or email