Expert Dust and Air Quality Consultancy Services
DustScanAQ provides air quality consultancy and monitoring services to meet a range of client needs including planning, permitting and compliance. Our team has many years of experience working in environmental consultancy, providing expert guidance to clients to meet air quality and broader environmental management challenges.
Air quality assessments are required by local authorities as part of planning applications, and are increasingly being required to validate planning applications particularly in London. These assessments appraise the suitability of a proposed development site with respect to existing levels of pollution, as well as assessing the impact of a proposal on air quality at the locations of residents or vulnerable people.
Air quality assessments are required for proposals from multiple sectors, including residential developments, quarries and biomass plants. When assessing impacts, the pollutants of concern are usually nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter in the PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions, key pollutants associated with transport and solid fuel burning. These pollutants are managed by the local authority under Local Air Quality Management (LAQM).
DustScanAQ’s approach to air quality assessments and air quality reports is based on a clear understanding of the legal framework and good practice in the field of air quality. This is underpinned by high quality scientific investigation and, when required, detailed dispersion modelling work.
Our consultancy work is supported by a range of air quality monitoring equipment including in-house air quality monitoring equipment and associated laboratory facilities. The monitoring in real-time of small size fractions of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) is becoming increasingly demanded by local authorities and clients to manage emissions from construction and mineral sites. The DustScan Cloud, a real-time particulate monitor, meets these needs, with solar panel set-ups available for off-grid locations. DustScanAQ’s air quality consultants can analyse these data and provide important added value to clients trying to understand their emissions and mitigation strategy’s efficacy.




Air Quality Case Studies

The business was formed in 2004

We are employee owned

Over 145,000 samples analysed