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About DustScan

DustScanAQ is the new trading name for DustScan Ltd; we have recently rebranded to reflect our growing air quality consultancy expertise and involvement in air quality matters. DustScan Ltd was established in 2004 as a spin-off company from Leeds University. The firm is based in Oxfordshire, UK.

Air Quality Consultancy

The DustScan AQ air quality consultancy team provide expert dust and air quality services to a wide range of sectors including; the minerals industry, planning and development (residential, commercial and mixed-use), construction and refurbishment, waste management, industrial, oil and gas, power, roads, railways, docks and harbours, and the public sector. We are experienced in producing specialist, site-specific air quality consultancy reports for a wide range of clients.

We work on air quality consultancy projects ranging from large scale and national infrastructure developments that require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), to standalone air quality and dust assessments for small scale local developments. The firm has extensive experience of working within multi-disciplinary project teams to prepare the air quality, dust, carbon/greenhouse gas, and odour sections of EIAs. 

Our air quality consultancy services include:

  • Air quality assessments ranging from screening to detailed specification
  • Site specific dust assessments
  • Dust and air quality management and action plans
  • Local Authority review and assessment
  • Appraisal of air quality reports for local authorities
  • Residential suitability assessment
  • Assessment of traffic-related emissions
  • Assessment of energy plants (e.g. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants and biomass boilers)
  • Detailed dispersion modelling with ADMS-Roads, ADMS 5, AERMOD, and CALPUFF
  • DMRB screening assessment
  • Air quality neutral assessment for applications in London
  • Greenhouse gas, carbon assessment, and carbon management
  • Diffusion tube monitoring
  • Odour assessment and management plans
  • Construction dust and traffic assessment and management plans
  • Air quality and meteorological monitoring
  • Assessment of air quality impact on ecology
  • Air quality assessment for environmental permits in relation to industrial installations
  • Stack height determination
  • Expert witness

Air Quality 

DustScanAQ staff have many years of work experience in producing air quality assessments and air quality reports for planning, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), regulatory reviews and assessment processes.

Carbon Assessment And Management

DustScan AQ has experience of working on range of Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Assessments.


With strong connections to industry and academia DustScanAQ are leaders in dust assessment.


As odour assessment consultants the firm has experience with range of projects related to odour assessment for planning, permitting and regulatory purposes.

Environmental Impact Assessment

We regularly work with partners to deliver full assessments, either by contributing individual chapters to work by others or by managing EIA projects.

Modelling and Mapping

DustScanAQ offer expert air quality modelling services using appropriate software packages such as ADMS, AERMOD/AERMET and CALPUFF...

Call us on +44 (0)1608 810110
or to discuss your requirements