DustScanAQ staff have many years of work experience in producing air quality assessments and air quality reports for planning, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), regulatory reviews and assessment processes. The air quality consultancy team comprises experienced professionals working in a broad range of settings and who provide well-established professional service at a competitive price. Experience with air quality assessments crosses many business sectors including urban renewal and development (residential, industrial and retail), minerals, transport and infrastructure, power and energy, oil and gas, recycling and waste management, and local government.
Air quality consultancy services are offered to clients:
- Air quality assessments ranging from screening to detailed specification;
- Local authority reviews and assessments;
- Appraisal of air quality reports in planning applications for local authorities and others;
- Construction, operation and residential suitability assessments for new developments;
- Assessment of traffic related emissions;
- Assessment of energy plants (e.g. Combined Heat and Power CHP and Biomass Boilers);
- Detailed dispersion modelling with latest versions of ADMS, AERMOD and CALPUFF;
- DMRB screening assessment;
- Air quality neutral assessment for projects in London;
- Construction dust and traffic assessment and management plans;
- Air quality and meteorological monitoring including diffusion tube monitoring;
- Assessment of air quality impacts on ecology;
- Environmental permitting assessment for industrial installations and stack height assessments;
- Expert Witness Reports;
- Training, short courses, lectures, and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses.
Air quality assessments and air quality reports
DustScanAQ’s approach to air quality assessments and air quality reports is based on a clear understanding of the legal framework and good practice in the field of air quality. This is underpinned by high quality scientific investigation and, when required, detailed dispersion modelling work. Consultancy work is supported by range of air quality monitoring equipment including in-house air quality monitoring equipment and associated laboratory facilities.
Not all development will have a significant impact on local air quality and therefore it is not always necessary to carry out a detailed air quality assessment. We therefore aim to work closely with the local authorities and as far as possible agree the scope in advance to avoid delays during the planning process aiming for first time acceptance of the report. Work is more cost-effective with this approach.
The assessment process typically involves discussions with the client and other stakeholders in the proposal, including the local regulator. Proposals usually set out how the assessment will address any regulatory concerns, such as impacts of a development on local air quality during both construction and operational phases and also impacts of existing air quality on a proposed development in order to determine residential suitability. Although some air quality assessments may be carried out as desktop exercises, a site inspection is often required for an in-depth study so that the complexities of the proposed development and its local environment are understood.
Typical assessment processes for planning or permitting involve:-
- Identifying relevant local, regional and national policies;
- Establishing baseline conditions (including site specific monitoring as appropriate);
- Screening the need for a detailed air quality assessment;
- Carrying out a detailed air quality assessment if required;
- Assessment of cumulative impacts as appropriate;
- Assessment of residential suitability as appropriate;
- Construction dust assessment, and management plan, if required;
- Identifying site specific construction and operational mitigation measures.