For larger projects, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be required to ensure that the likely effects of a new development on the environment are not significant and all aspects of the environmental impact are taken into account before the development is allowed to proceed. For projects that require an EIA DustScan has in house expertise to assist with EIA co-ordination. The firm can act as a lead Environmental Impact Consultant or form part of a project-specific multidisciplinary EIA team from various environmental professionals.
The EIA process initially involves a discussion with the statutory consultees for each section of an EIA and following relevant scoping opinion, expert technical sections and non-technical summaries are prepared.
DustScan’s approach to Environmental Impact Assessment typically involves:-
- Advice on initial project design from the EIA team
- Carrying out an EIA screening assessment with the statutory consultees to scope the need for an EIA under the EIA regulations
- If the need for an EIA is confirmed, scoping assessment are prepared in the context of scoping opinions from the statutory consultees
- Impact assessments for each individual technical section are carried out, including appropriate impact descriptors and details of residual impact following any necessary mitigation
- Detailing any monitoring plan and/or management plan required
- Compiling technical and non-technical reports and summaries along with all drawings etc. for the assessment