New website coming soon! In the mean time check out our range of dust monitoring equipment

Environmental and Meteorological Equipment

To support the range of DustScan monitoring products, we also specify, supply and install environmental monitoring equipment from other approved suppliers. We regularly employ:

  • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) diffusion tubes

  • Automatic, data-logging meteorological stations

  • Hand-held fine particulate and gas monitors

  • Automatic, real-time air quality monitoring stations


In some circumstances ‘real-time’ air quality monitoring data is required and direct-reading fine particulate (PM10 and PM2.5) and gas (NO2 etc.) sampling equipment may be a conditional operating requirement for sites, especially for development sites in Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). DustScanAQ regularly advises on monitoring best practices for sites in London where the Greater London Authority (GLA) Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition supplementary planning guidance applies.

DustScanAQ regularly installs environmental monitoring equipment such as small on-site weather stations to provide local wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall data. These data can help predict the likely distribution of dust near sensitive receptors and also assist the interpretation of dust and air quality monitoring data. Weather data is critical for dust and air quality modelling and mapping studies.

Air Quality Monitoring

DustScanAQ installs, operates and manages a range of air quality monitoring equipment, and provides project specific data management solutions.

Environmental And Meteorological Monitoring

To support the range of DustScan monitoring products, we also specify, supply and install environmental monitoring equipment from other approved suppliers.

DustScanAQ would be pleased to hear from you if you would like to discuss your requirements and how we can help you with your project, please contact us on 01608 810110 or email