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Current Research

Dust and Air Quality modelling

It was a logical step to extend our dust mapping into the sphere of predictive dust modelling. Dust modelling is in some ways akin to air quality modelling which is an essential part of what DustScan AQ offers, but it depends on site-specific dust sampling as a basis to estimating dust emission factors and requires good local meteorological data. This work is also being undertaken in conjunction with Portsmouth University with funding from the Knowledge Transfer Partnership through the Natural Environmental Research Council.1

PM2.5 Sampling

The firm introduced its own certificated PM10 monitor, based on a size selective inlet impactor that allows gravimetric concentrations to be measured. Subsequently, supported by the Technology Strategy Board’s Innovate UK, the firm has had its own similar PM2.5 independently checked by the British Geological Survey for use in monitoring and sampling very fine respirable dust.

Current and future research includes work on the collection and monitoring of fine dust, refinements of dust modelling and in conjunction with Newcastle University, on the impact of air pollution on public health.

1Bruce, Smith, Datson and Fowler, 2016


DustScanAQ would be pleased to hear from you if you would like to discuss your requirements and how we can help you with your project, please contact us on 01608 810110 or email