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Guidance, References and Publications


The Institute of Air Quality Management "Indoor Air Quality Guidance: Assessment, Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation"*
The Institute of Air Quality Management "Guidance on the Assessment of Mineral Dust Impacts for Planning 2016" guidance*
The Institute of Air Quality Management "Assessment of dust from demolition and construction 2014" guidance
The Environment Agency “Monitoring Particulate Matter in Ambient Air around Waste Facilities” Technical Guidance Note (Monitoring) M17. Version 2 (2013)
The Institute of Air Quality Management "Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites 2012" guidance*
AEA Report to The Mineral Industry Research Organisation (MIRO) “Good practice guide: control and measurement of nuisance dust and PM10 from the extractive industries” (2011)*
* DustScan employees contributed to this guidance

References and Publications

Bruce, J., Green, A., Fowler, M & Smith, J. (2021). Identifying and modelling fugitive nickel dust emissions from a steelworks site in Sheffield, UK. Atmospheric Environment, 260, 118414, September 2021. Link here.
Bruce, J., Smith, J. & Fowler, M. (2021). Relative efficiency of passive dust samplers: Progress towards coarse dust dispersion modelling. Atmospheric Environment, 244, 117872, January 2021. Link here.
Quinn, D., Eaton, P. (2019). Prediction as a basis for planning dust suppression in quarries and cement plants. Global Cement Magazine, December 2019.
Quinn, D., Eaton, P. (2019). Innovation in dust management: Dust prediction as a basis for planning dust suppression in quarries and large earthworks – an example from Mountsorrel Quarry. Quarry Management, April 2019. Link here.
Chakravartty, A., Quinn, D. (2018). Assessing Odour from Asphalt Plants. Quarry Management, February 2018. Link here.
Bruce, J., Smith, J., Datson, H., & Fowler, M. (2016). Modelling Dust Emissions from a Source Using Dust Monitoring and Meteorological Data. Journal of Environmental Protection, 7 (3), 467-472, February 2016. Link here.
Beriro, D., Puddle, O.& Walton, G. (2016). A method of sampling fine dust associated with quarries. In Hunger, E., Brown, T.J., Smith, G., & Anderson, P. (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th Extractive Industry Geology Conference and technical meeting 2016, EIG Conferences Ltd.
Savage, A., Walton, G. & Fowler, M. (2016). Dust at Quarry Entrances, with a focus on Respirable Crystaline Silica (RCS). In Hunger, E., Brown, T.J., Smith, G., & Anderson, P. (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th Extractive Industry Geology Conference and technical meeting 2016, EIG Conferences Ltd. Link here.
Bruce, J., Datson, H. (2016). Mapping Dust in Crushing and Screening Houses. In Hunger, E., Brown, T.J., Smith, G., & Anderson, P. (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th Extractive Industry Geology Conference and technical meeting 2016, EIG Conferences Ltd.
Puddle, O., Walton, G. (2015). On-site and Personal Dust Monitoring. Quarry Management, December 2015. Link here.
Bruce, J., Walton, G. (2015). Predictive Dust Modelling for Mineral Planning. Quarry Management, May 2015. Link here.
Bruce, J., Walton, G. & Datson, H. (2015). Aspects of empirical dust modelling associated with quarries. Proceedings of the Extractive Geology Conference 2014.  Link here.
Bruce, J., Datson, H., Smith, J. & Fowler, M. (2014). Characterisation and modelling of dust in a semi-arid construction environment. Proceedings of the 2014 INEF ConferenceLink here.
Bruce, J., Smith, J., Datson, H. & Fowler, M. (2014). Empirical modelling of directional dust from industrial sites. Proceedings of the Dust 2014 Conference. ProScience, 1, p. 7-12. Link here.
Fowler, M., Datson, H., Williams, W. B. & Bruce, J. (2014). Source apportionment of industrial fugitive dusts: case studies with the Environment Agency. Environmental Forensics: Proceedings of the 2013 INEF Conference. Morrison, R. D. & O'Sullivan, G. (eds.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Vol. 348, p. 146-157 (Special Publication; vol. 348). Link here.
Bruce, J., Fowler, M. & Datson, H. (2013). Investigations near Devon Great Consols Mine into airborne dust pollution. Geoscience in South-West England, 13(2), 202 - 207. Link here.
Fowler, M., Datson, H. and Newberry, J. (2010).  Quantitative assessment of dust propagation at a hazardous waste landfill: directional monitoring with elemental analysis.  Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12 (4), 879 – 889. Link here.
Walton, G. and Datson, H. (2010). Operators can kick off the dust. Mineral Planning, 128, 16 – 17. Link here.
Williams, B. and Walton, G. (2009). Dust monitoring maps – the way forward. Quarry Management, 36 (12), 36 – 37. Link here.
Birch, W., Datson, H. and Lowndes, I. (2008).  Reducing the Environmental Effect of Aggregate Quarrying: Dust Noise and Vibration.  Theme 1 Review – Reducing the Environmental Effect for the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (MIRO), Minerals Industry Research Organisation (MIRO), Birmingham. Link here.
Datson, H. and Puddle, O.  (2007).  New products for recording dust emissions from quarries.  Quarry Management, 34 (10), 31 – 32.
Datson, H. and Fowler, M. (2007). A method for the characterisation of ambient dust: geochemical analyses of directional sticky pad dust samples. Air Pollution XV, WIT Transactions on Ecology and Environment 101. Eds. Borrego, C. A. and Brebbia, C. A., WITPress, Southampton.  413 – 428. Link here.
Walton, G., Datson, H. and Wardrop, D.  (2006). Dust movement from and into quarries. Proceedings of the 14th EIG Conference. EIG Publications,  65 – 76. Link here.
Datson, H. and Birch, W. J. (2006).  The development of a novel method for directional dust monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 124, 301 – 308. Link here.
Walton, G. and Datson, H. (2005). Effective Dust Monitoring. Quarry Management, 32 (10), 45 – 46.
Hull, G. and Datson, H. (2004).  Low Cost, Directional Monitoring Of Nuisance Dust Around Mineral Workings.  Report of a Mineral Industry Sustainable Technology (MIST) project for the Minerals Industry Research Organisation (MIRO), Leeds.
Farnfield, R. A. and Birch, W. J. (1997). Environmental Dust Monitoring Using Computer Scanned Images Obtained From Sticky Pad Poly-directional Dust Gauges. Clean Air, 27, 73 –76.

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